Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not a truth." (Marcus Aurelius, Roman leader, philosopher, Stoic)

Marcus Aurelius taps deep into a concept that man tries so hard to ignore. I believe that there are infintitely many ways that a basic human being can view the world because there are millions of ways that a basic human being can experience life. No one knows anything forsure, it is all just passed down and that is what we are told to believe. The fact that my perspective differs tremendously from the majority of people in all of my classes says a lot about actual truths. What I believe may be right for the certain situation I am in but someone else could have a total contrary idea that fits for the way they were brought up and raised. This quote is sort of confusing because what does "everything" include mathematics or just plain statements. Marcus takes a very general approach to his philosphy, but if so would that just make his quote an opinion that holds no actual substance? 


  1. I completely agree with the idea that interpretations are based highly on how you were brought up. My perception of this school can be different from others because of my past experiences and how I have been raised. I also believe that Aurellus purposely made this quote an opinion.

  2. I completely agree with the idea that interpretations are based highly on how you were brought up. My perception of this school can be different from others because of my past experiences and how I have been raised. I also believe that Aurellus purposely made this quote an opinion.
